YouPorn Review: Purveyers of Free Video Porn


Launched in 2006, was one of the first "porn tube" sites to launch online and make a meteoric rise to success, and though many sites like it have launched since, few have ever managed to reach the same success.

With the perfect balance of user submitted amateur porn videos, licensed content and partner videos, YouPorn has collected tens of thousands of the world’s best free porn videos and continues to add hundreds of new videos to its collection every day.

Considered to be one of the most female friendly porn sites online, YouPorn manages it’s massive porn movie collection with a great deal of finesse, ensuring people from all walks of life and all countries of the world can quickly and easily find their favorite free porn videos.

People will find no shortage of selection when browsing the site’s videos as YouPorn’s tens of thousands of sex movies cover numerous categories, some of the most popular being: Amateur, Anal, BBW, MILF, Young/Old, Lesbian and Gay. With so many high-quality, HD, full-length and extended porn clips to choose from, it’s no surprise YouPorn draws an average of 12 Million visitors per day and an incredible 2.5 Million searches per day from countries around the world.

If an endless supply of high-quality, free porn videos are what you’re looking for, then head on over to and enjoy all they have to offer!

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